Just sitting down and thinking about how our worries change as we went through the different phases of life...
When in primary school - you worry about whether your teacher likes you, your friends don't want to be friends with you, the toys that your parents won's buy for you...
When in secondary school - you worry about whether that boy likes you, what your friends think of you, the new handphone that your friend possess and you can't get...
When in tertiary education - you worry about your boyfriend who did not call for 1 whole day, the endless projects that needs completion, what to wear to school so that you look cool...
When starting to work - you worry about whether your boss likes you, what your colleagues think of you, how to go up the corporate ladder...
When married - you worry about whether you can get along with your mother-in-law, what to cook for your husband, paying the monthly bills, managing your finances...
When thinking of having children - you worry about whether you would be a good mum, could you provide for your precious one, how do you divide your time equally...
When actually with children - you worry about what colour is their poop, about the small red dot that suddenly appears on her little hand, about the toy she wants that you can't afford....
And the list goes on and on endlessly. I guess you never stop being worried! So thge only thing you can do is just handle them wisely and not let them overwhelm you...