Monday, November 10, 2008


This is a very sensitive topic. I was not able to breastfeed Mia...I tried so hard, eaten the things that was supposed to help, had a very bad engorgement experience, bought a pump, massage...u name it, I have tried it but the milk still refuse to come out.

I nearly went into post natal depression. Luckily my darling husband was there to be my pillar and my mum was there to support me with all that she could do. Even typing about this, brings tears to my eyes....

It really pains me to see Mia crying for milk and me not able to provide it for her. My heart aches so bad, even worse than the engorgement that I was experiencing. She is missing out on all the goodness of the colostrum and the building of her immune system. I cried many times but again, my darling husband is there for me.

I even blamed myself when she kept falling sick when she was only 4-5 months old. She had to use the neubalizer (I think that's how it is spelt). I keep thinking that if she had been breastfed, she would have been stronger and better able to fight the virus....

Now, with this pregnancy, I am trying to get my hands on information on breastfeeding. I am reading books, information on the net and I found this great site on breastfeeding, with videos on proper latching on and all that...

I also intend to get my baby to latch on immediately after she is cleaned up...

1 comment:

Umie said...

bestnye dpt mummy mcm concern abt ur babies...u really want to breastfeed...aku tak nak...hehe in fact aku kena pakai padding lagi...asyik dripping nye mcm paip "winks"....anyway i did not breatfeed but aku kasi la anak aku breast milk....pump out...sekali pum boleh dpt 2-3 botol....hehe...kau makan bayam bebanyak...tu la yg mak aku lantak aku masa dia jaga aku....hehe:)