Saturday, November 15, 2008

Another batch of P6 leaving...

Everytime I take a graduating class, I get emotional at the end of the year. Especially during PSLE results day...I always cry. This year, I know I will definitely cry buckets of tears....

This batch of P6 is the closest group of students I have ever been with, especially the P6 Malay dancers...

I taught some of them when they were in P3, then most of them in P4 and again in P6. We shared jokes, some hard times in class and we shared secrets using the journals...I am closer to the Malay dancers who are in my Malay class as we went to Bali together, all those performances and practices, the heartache we all felt during the SYF results....

Yesterday was an emotional day. Nisa actually asked me to give a speech during my last Malay class with them. I just smiled because I know I can't do it. If I do it, I would surely cry...

Then, while preparing them for the Achievement Day performance, I look at them and just felt sebak. I had to leave at 12pm and so can't be there for the actual performance. Zubaidah told me just now that the girls were crying after the dance, their last dance with us....

I don't know how I will be able to stop my dam of tears on results day...almost feel like not going to school on that day, too saddening...but I want to see them for the last time, haizzz dilemma.....


zamsnura said...

kak yayang baca ur articles pown kak yayang can feel ur "sebak"..
sedih gler kannnn...huhhuuuhhuu

Anonymous said...

OMG ! so saddd. ='[ . Thanks for the message you sent to cikgu norin before we performed during the achievement day. I will miss you too ! Take care,, cikguu..