Saturday, March 11, 2006

End of school term

today is the end of the school term. this one week hols is not really a full holiday for me. I have to go to school on Mon, Tue, Wed and Fri. the only holiday is sad! this is the time i am going to prepare my exam papers, worksheets and teaching resources. I have to start early so that when i leave for maternity, everything is ready. i do not want to burden anyone during my absence...

an out of the blue moment - just the other day, one of my P1s came up to me and said: "Cikgu, saya tengok cikgu gemuk macam nak beranak aje..." i just smiled. then one of the other students said, "Eh, cikgu kan ade baby." then they giggled and told other friends. so cute...they can be so innocent sometimes and it is so different from adults. they just say whatever is on their minds.

Another out of the blue moment - during class, while everyone is doing their work, my Aidil just say out loud, "Eh, kita ada datuk tau." the whole class looked at him and one of them commented, "Alah, kita pun ade datuk." To which my Aidil replied, "Eh, datuk kita tak pakai baju, ah!" and then there were laughter...

1 comment:

Almost Perfect Mum said...

darn! my skul hols nott the same as nvm, we meet up on saturday and celebr8 fif's sposd burpday...